Clinics We Offer
We encourage all our patients to share the responsibility for their health, both in preventing disease and in treating existing diseases. Prevention really is better than cure. Many of the most serious diseases can be prevented by a healthy lifestyle and without the need for drugs. Please feel free to discuss general health and ask for advice.

The practice runs an asthma and chronic obstructive airways disease clinic. Everyone with asthma or COPD should be reviewed at least once a year. On diagnosis all patients should have an extended review with the nurse and follow-up care will be shared by the doctor and nurse. This is very important to check you are as well as you should be and to review your medication. Lung function testing (spirometry) is also available.
For more information contact:
Asthma UK or telephone 0300 222 5800
British Lung Foundation or telephone 03000 030 555
Blood Pressure Management
This test is sometimes indicated as part of the assessment of Hypertension.
A monitor may be loaned to the patient to monitor their BP within a relaxed environment. The patient will be shown how to take and record their blood pressure measurement.

Everyone with diabetes should be regularly reviewed. For more information please visit the following websites:
Diabetes UK or telephone 0345 123 2399.
Healthy Heart Clinic
The aim is to prevent any further heart disease. Patients are invited to attend for an annual check. Weight, smoking, exercise and cholesterol levels are monitored. This is combined with a blood pressure clinic is for people who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and are usually taking medication.
It is also an opportunity to assess people who have borderline blood pressures to help make the decision as to whether they should take any medication.
Patients taking medication should have their BP measured six-monthly with an annual check at the clinic to monitor weight, smoking, exercise habits and cholesterol monitoring. ECGs may be done at assessment appointments.
For more information please visit the following British Heart Foundation website or telephone 020 7935 0185.

Child Health
The Health Visitor is a qualified nurse with additional training who works solely in the community. She is particularly concerned with expectant and new mothers and young children.
She is available for advice and information on any childhood issues, concerns or health matters.
Help and support is offered on all aspects of child development in the practice Child Health Clinic and within the community.
Childhood Immunisations
Click here for the recommended schedule
Well Person Checks for Men and Women
The nurse is able to offer a full health check.
Newly registered patients, those aged 75 or over who have not had a consultation in the past year, and adult patients under 75 who have not had a consultation in the past three years, all have the right to request a health check consultation with either a doctor or nurse at the practice.
Please call reception to arrange an appointment.

Cervical Smears
This is a simple painless test to detect cells on the neck of the womb which are treatable if dealt with early, but may turn into cancer cells if left untreated.
The smear test is usually done by one of our nurses.
All sexually active women are recommended to have a test every 3 - 5 years (depending on age) from 25 years of age until aged 65.
Most women who have had a hysterectomy do not need routine smears. However please contact the nurse on an individual basis with enquiries.
The service is offered to women aged 50-70, because this is the age group for which it has been shown to be beneficial - if you are in this age group you will be sent an appointment direct from the breast screening service.
If you feel you are due an appointment or have concerns, please contact the Practice for guidance.